

住院医师是在病人住院期间照顾病人的医生或中级医务人员. 他们通常接受过高级内科培训. 他们不为临床或门诊病人看病.


The patient has the benefit of being seen by a physician whose practice is entirely focused on the care of the hospitalized patient. 病人护理部的病人医疗小组工作人员每天24小时都可以与一名住院医生联系, 一周七天, to respond to changes in the patient’s condition that may need immediate attention and to answer any questions a patient or a family member may have.

The Hospitalist provides the patient’s primary care provider with updates on any changes in their patient’s condition during their hospitalization. 住院医师还要为病人安排出院事宜, 开具带回家的药物和自我保健指导. 当病人出院时, the Hospitalist contacts the patient’s primary care provider and also provides the primary care provider with a summary report of the patient’s care during hospitalization

如果病人没有初级保健提供者, 住院医师可以协助病人在出院前安排预约. 对于健康的生活方式来说,持续的护理往往是必要的. BBGH is a strong advocate for everyone establishing a relationship with a primary care provider of their choice for their health care needs.

住院医师服务也为病人的初级保健提供者提供了急需的救济. 供应商 working at facilities without a Hospitalist program have to split their time between their duties at their clinic and their patients in the hospital, 当住院病人的病情发生变化时,他们经常要连夜接护理人员的电话. 然而, 与医院医生合作的供应商可以专注于在他们的诊所里看病人, 从而减少等待时间,并消除因被叫到医院而造成的中断. 这项服务还允许初级保健提供者有更多的休息时间与家人在一起或享受更多的个人时间.

Box Butte总医院的住院医师项目是如何运作的?

The patient’s primary care provider has the option of partnering with a Hospitalist to manage their patient’s care while their patient is hospitalized.

日间住院医生服务-博斯比特综合医院白天利用内部住院医生, who are physically present to visit and monitor patients in their care and to answer questions whenever the patient or family wants information or have a concern.

Nocturnal E-Hospitalist service – Box Butte General Hospital utilizes an E-Hospitalist service during the evening hours provided by Bryan Telemedicine. 电子医生不在现场, 利用先进的技术,通过特制的医疗车,有一个高分辨率的监视器, 高清摄像机, 外围设备可以让护士, 病人和电子医院医生进行互动,就好像电子医院医生就在现场一样.